We are the voice of the gas and hydrogen industry.

Our mission: Transforming energies safely

As the voice of the gas and hydrogen industry, we are committed to a climate-neutral and resilient energy system. The Zukunft Gas industry network comprises around 130 member and partner companies spanning the entire value chain.

About us

We advocate for the gas and hydrogen industry to the public with professionalism, consistency, and a forward-looking approach. We are committed to driving the industry's transformation, enhancing the global competitiveness of gas-based energy sources, and unlocking opportunities in current and future markets. 

Through proactive communications and public relations efforts, we ensure that gas, as a fundamental energy source, and emerging gases like hydrogen remain prominent in the minds of journalists, consumers, politicians, and market partners. We emphasize factual information, industry expertise, and personal engagement, fostering dialogue through social media interactions, events, and trade fair participation. 

We actively engage with politicians to advocate for a technology-friendly market that enhances climate protection. By providing fact-based arguments and leveraging strong relationships, we contribute meaningfully to critical discussions in Berlin and local municipalities, shaping the future of gas-based energy sources in Germany. 

Positions of the Gas and Hydrogen Industry

We involve our members and partners in our work, utilise and maintain a strong network and open up opportunities for co-determination. In doing so, we provide impulses and develop positions on important future issues of the gas and hydrogen industry together with our members at an early stage.

Germany aims to be climate-neutral by 2045. The German gas industry supports this unconditionally - and is therefore continuing to develop its business models for a climate-neutral future, which were previously centred around natural gas, towards new gases.

Renewable energy and new gases, such as hydrogen and biogas, must be considered together - new gases replace natural gas where it is not possible to electrify processes. Therefore, gas strengthens the resilience of the energy system.

The demand for electricity will increase significantly in the coming years and decades. The entire electricity system needs to be decarbonised and climate-neutral by 2045. The expansion and operation of renewable energy generation plants requires security through guaranteed capacity that is available regardless of the weather and can be called up flexibly.

With the planned phased-out of nuclear and coal power in Germany, a large base of controllable generation capacity will be lost. This comes at a time when electricity demand is sharply increasing due to the growing electrification of industry, transportation, and heating. In order to decarbonise the electricity market and ensure a secure supply, another source of guaranteed power is therefore needed. This task can be performed by modern gas-fired power plants, which can be converted comparatively easily from fossil natural gas to climate-neutral hydrogen. However, the existing capacity of gas-fired power plants is not sufficient to close the resulting electricity gap. A significant increase in capacity is necessary.

Investments in new power plant capacities are absolutely essential. However, the current electricity market design provides too few incentives for investors to create the required power plant capacities. The electricity market therefore needs to be restructured. The current strategic reserve prevents the expansion of new, climate-friendly electricity capacities to a sufficient extent in the current Energy Only Market (EOM), in which only the power actually fed into the grid is remunerated. The market must therefore be provided with a new capacity mechanism.

An indispensable quality of the new gases is their storage ability, which allows renewable energies to be transported and made available at any time and throughout Germany.

As a fundamental energy source, gas is indispensable for a resilient and climate-neutral energy system. The prosperity we have built up, the high level of employment and the many benefits provided by the social state are the result of a successful export economy and an internationally competitive industry. The basis for this is a secure and affordable energy supply. Gas is a fundamental energy source - and will remain so in the long term. The precondition for this is the transformation from fossil natural gas to new gases produced from renewable sources.

The importance of gas will not diminish in the course of the energy transition. On the contrary: alongside renewable energy, new gases will form the second pillar on which our energy system rests.

Carbon management is essential to ensure that even CO2 emissions that are hard to avoid are not emitted into the atmosphere. Carbon management includes the capture, transport, permanent storage or utilisation of CO2 emissions, e.g. in the chemical industry. For a climate-neutral future, we are endeavouring to release as little CO2 into the atmosphere as possible and to replace fossil fuels with climate-neutral energy sources as far as possible. Nevertheless, solutions are needed to deal with CO2 emissions that are hard to avoid and to generate the negative emissions required for global climate neutrality.

Our message is clear: natural gas has defined our past, hydrogen and biogas will shape our future. Because to achieve climate neutrality by 2045, we will continue to need gaseous energy sources and their infrastructure. Zukunft Gas is the home for all those who want to help shape the energy transition with new gases.

Dr. Timm Kehler, Chairman Zukunft Gas

Platforms and Committees of Zukunft Gas

Together with our members and partners we bundle common interests and represent them in politics, science and the media. Activities are coordinated, actively organized and implemented in a systematic manner by Zukunft Gas in various platforms, that our open to members.

H2 Start-Up Cluster Platform

H2 Start-Up Cluster Platform

With the H2 Start-Up Cluster platform, we offer young companies and start-ups from the hydrogen economy an information and exchange service based on years of expertise. With this offer, we promote dialog between start-ups and leading gas trading and infrastructure companies in Germany - our member companies.

The platform is an offer to start-ups active in the field of hydrogen, municipal utilities and energy suppliers, research institutions from the university environment as well as investors and investment companies.

CO2 Value Chain Platform

CO2 Value Chain Platform 

Carbon management refers to all measures required to ensure the sustainable management of CO2 emissions that are hard to avoid. Even if the first priority must be to avoid greenhouse gases, carbon management is an important contribution to achieving the goal of climate neutrality by 2045. This is precisely where the CO2 value chain platform comes in and deals with the key issues surrounding carbon management.

In addition to the member companies of Zukunft Gas, all companies that are active in the field of carbon management or for whom carbon management plays a central role in decarbonization are welcome to participate in the CO2 value chain platform.

LNG & Energy Hubs Platform

LNG & Energy Hubs Platform

Our LNG & Energy Hubs platform focuses on the import, trade and transportation of liquefied natural gas (LNG) as well as hydrogen and its derivatives.

The target group of this platform comprises the managers of our member companies who are active in the import, trade or transportation of LNG and new gases. Together we develop solutions and promote the exchange of information.

Mobility Platform

Mobility Platform

Our Mobility platform focuses on the key issues surrounding liquefied natural gas (LNG) and hydrogen in the commercial vehicle sector. We are working intensively on market development, the necessary infrastructure and the political framework conditions required for a successful ramp-up of LNG and hydrogen in the transport sector. In addition, we promote the further development of new business areas, particularly in shipping and aviation, and drive forward the development of Bio-LNG.

Our platform is aimed at the entire energy sector, including all relevant stakeholders. We also address vehicle manufacturers, forwarding and logistics associations as well as freight forwarders, logistics and transport companies.

CHP Platform

CHP Platform

Combined heat and power (CHP) systems score points with decentralized energy generation and low CO2 emissions. Their advantage: they generate heat and electricity with a single system. The CHP platform is committed to CHP technology and positions it as a transformation technology in cooperation with B.KWK.

The CHP platform is aimed at all CHP manufacturers and operators of CHP systems such as municipal utilities and regional energy suppliers.

Working Group on Politics & Strategy

Working Group on Politics & Strategy

Our Working Group on Politics & Strategy is deeply engaged with key issues related to energy and climate policy in Germany and the EU, with a particular focus on gas industry aspects. This includes current topics such as supply security, power plant strategies, certificates of origin, green gas quotas, and the heat market. A special emphasis is placed on building the hydrogen economy in Germany and the EU, including the ramp-up of H2 production and the development of hydrogen networks. Additionally, we address current studies and pursue our own projects.

Our target group includes the Public Affairs representatives of our member companies and partners. Together, we work to actively shape energy and climate policy.


Explore our latest press releases, industry updates, and a selection of images and graphics available for use.

Pressemitteilung 18. September 2024

Effektiver Klimaschutz im Schwerlastverkehr: Zukunft Gas fordert politische Maßnahmen zur Förderung von [...]

Zur Meldung
Branchennews 09. Oktober 2024

Studie: Synthetisches Methan könnte Dekarbonisierung in Deutschland beschleunigen

Zur Meldung


If you have any questions about our work or need more information on our topics, please feel free to reach out to us.

Are you interested in joining our association and becoming part of our network, platforms, and committees? Please get in touch with us!

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